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Faminestar app




Edit|1| I Got her!!
Edit|2| history finished

General Information

Name: Faminestar
Past Names: Faminekit, Faminepaw, Faminefur.
Name Meaning: Unknown
Age: 42 moons
Sex: Female
Gender: Female
Breed: moggy
Clan: Windclan
Rank: Leader
Likes: Snuggling into her nest, warm weather, getting her way, rats (Prey)
Dislikes: Warstar and Deadstar, Cold weather, Unnecessary violence, fish.

Physical Information

Scent: Quite stale, slightly like oil
Eye color: Toxic green
Skin colour: Pale skin tone with a lighter under belly
Fur texture: none, skip is slightly oily
Size and shape: Tall, thin but well muscled she-cat with quite an elegant stature. She may look strange but she carries herself with a calm and confident air.
Quick description: Thin, hairless she-cat with bright green eyes and many scars.
Voice: Her voice is laced with confidence, but she stutters slightly when sad or confused.


Faminestar, like many Windclanners, is built for speed and agility, not strength. Being more slim then most makes it easy to dash and strike quickly, but her small size and lack of fur makes her easier to snag then others. That fact has made this she-cat into a precise and effective fighter as she knows how to move and attack with little pause on her part.
Attack: 6/10
Tactics: 8/10
Endurance: 8/10
Speed: 8/10
Agility: 6/10
Strength: 5/10
Swimming: 4/10
Jumping: 6/10
Climbing: 5/10
Stealth: 4/10
Herbal knowledge: 3/10
Kitting knowledge: 1/10
Eyesight: 7/10
Scent: 9/10
Hearing: 5/10
Belief in starclan: 8/10


+ positive

Loyal: "I will never betray my clan, i would rather die a thousand deaths."
I dare you to find a more loyal cat in the clans. Faminestar has given her life to her clan and she would give all nine to keep her clan-mates safe from harm, whether it is sickness, death or... hunger. She goes to great lengths to provide safety for the cats under her leadership, and with what the clans went through recently, it is a very valuable trait to have during these times. She gives loyalty and expects loyalty in return, do not mistake her kindness for weakness, she will handle any who are disloyal to Windclan. She WILL take care of it.

Confident: "You doubt me, but you are wrong in doing so. I am tougher then i look."
She may be small, but she has the confidence of a lion among mice. She doesn't let the comments of her clanmates and the other leaders get to her, she knows that she was born to be leader, she knows that they are wrong. It is uncommon for her to feel badly about herself or the way she leads the clan, as long as she is happy with herself she can lead effectively. Her confidence is not cockiness, she knows her limits and she knows her weaknesses, planning accordingly.

Trustworthy: "Don't worry, i promise i wont tell."
If there is anyone who you would want to tell a secret to, it is this gal. She never breaks her promises and never tells anyone's personal secrets unless they are a threat to themselves or others. She is like the clan therapist. She tries her best to be worthy of everyone's trust, going out of her way to uphold a promise. But she will never keep a promise that will in turn harm the clan.

Compassionate: "Oh my, are you alright? Please let me help you."
If you are in trouble, no matter what clan, she will help you. Faminestar can't stand to see a cat hurt or in trouble, so she will do what she must in order to make the pain stop, if that if that is impossible then she will offer words of comfort and reassurance to the troubled cat. Every time an elder is close to passing she will lay with them until they breath their finally breath, speaking to them about their life and thanking them. Every life means something and it shouldn't be through away like soiled moss, she takes death very seriously.

- negative

Cynical: "You shadowclan cats are no friends of mine, get out of my sight before i claw your ears off."
She is not one to see the best in other cats at first glance, especially if they are shadowclan. She expects the best of her clan, but is very entrusting to the other clan cats and the sins of one cat will sway her view on the clan as a whole. It is mostly the other leaders she judges the clan by, and currently Shadowclan and Thunderclan are on her bad side.

Grudge holder: "You have wronged me and you have wronged my clan, you will pay dearly, pest!"
Over then moons, Faminestar has kept a mental list of all the cats that have wronged her or her family (Windclan) and once you make it onto that list it is very difficult to get off of it. She never forgives and forgets, even small things such as a broken promise will be remembered until the day she dies. It is your job to prove her wrong or correct your mistake somehow, but if the mistake was violence it is not uncommon for her to do the same to you, as long as it does not involve taking a life.

Boastful: "Windclan is the most cunning clan! There is no competition."
Her bragging mouth causes a lot of debates at gatherings and competition of skill. This trait goes with her stubbornness as she refuses to go back on her boasting or EVER say she was wrong. It's a fools errand to disagree with her, just block her out and nod your head when she speaks to you.

Moody: "Let me say this slowly since you seem to be too pigeon-brained to understand; GET AWAY FROM ME!!"
This is a come a go thing, most of the time Faminestar is usually very level headed, but sometimes she just gets... Touchy. It will either be sadness or anger she is quick to, but more so anger. If an traumatic event or a fight happens she will become quiet and agitated, snapping at anyone who gets close in a very unpredictable manor. When she is like this it isn't uncommon for her to say hurtful things she doesn't really intend, and once her little fit is over she makes a point to say sorry for her actions and lack of self control.

= neutral

flirtatious: "Hey there big boy, it gets a bit cold at night by myself, want to remedy that?"
It is all in play, she with flirt with both males and females, just looking to embarass them or make then blush. She usually doesn't mean anything by it, you will know when she is being serious because she herself would grow beet red. She loves teasing and have flirted with about everyone in the clan, she isn't above flirting with cats in other clans as well, though she would never have a relationship with someone in another clan.

Blunt: "What? I was only speaking the truth... perhaps i should apologize."
Faminestar is known not to have a... filter. She says things as they are and mostly forgets that sometimes the truth can be hurtful and doesn't need to be spoken all of the time. She doesn't intend to be mean or hurtful, she just isn't thoughtful to the fact that sometimes she takes things too far.

Stubborn: "That is my decision and it is finale!"
It is nearly impossible to sway the she-cat, from speaking out of turn or disliking someone. She is set in her ways, if a task needs to be done she will go and do it with determination, no matter how difficult. This trait, unfortunately, can get Faminestar into trouble if she were to insult one of the other leaders with her unwillingness to change. As long as you don't get in her way, you will be fine.

Vain: "I am beautiful, aren't i?"
It is no secret that Faminestar loves herself about as much as she loves her clan, she often goes out of her to stay clean and fit, though not one to shy from mud if need be. She will clean her skin often and her paws are always pristine, as long as the ground is dry. She will often speak about how she keeps her skin looking nice even with so many scars from fights and clumsiness as a youngster, she wares her scars proudly and even showcases them.



Mate: none
Kits: none
Clan relations
Mentor: Brighteyes
Past Apprentices: Amberleap
Current Apprentices: none

Sexual Orientation

Mate: none
Orientation: Bisexual
Looking for: Nothing in particular
- Quick Fling -
- 'Dating' Though Not Mates -
Activity: She had a tom who she... uh... did the deed with that didn't result in kits, but currently not sexually active.
Prefers: Lighter, duller pelts with bright eyes.
Dis-Prefers: Dark pelts.
Ships/crushes: none
current Facts/goals:


Before birth:

Littlesnap was an older queen, the oldest of the queens at the time, and the constant traveling and looking for a new home only put strain on her, making her seem older then she was. She was a small she-cat, often looked past and forgotten about, so no other cats noticed when she started going missing for long periods of time. She had met a loner tom who was following the clan cats as they traveled. She was charmed by him and they both fell in love, every night they would meet each other and speak loving words as they would snuggle up to one another.
After 3 moons of this, Littlesnap realized she was pregnant with his kits and tried to find him, she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him, not on the run with her clan. But he was not there, she searched for him every night but he had left, or worse, been killed.
Littlesnap couldn't hide her grief, she told another queen that was close to her what happened and that she bared his kits. She didn't know what to do, if she gave birth to a litter while being as old as she was can be very risky and she didn't want to subject the kits to constant peril as the clan traveled. She didn't have to worry long. The night she gave birth to her kits was a painful one and littlesnap was very weak, unable to lift her head even a bit. Of the three kits born only one survived, and it was the most shocking. The two dead kits had longer fur with tabby stripes but the surviving one.. she was thin, sickly and hairless! The other queens were shocked, they had never seen a kit without hair and they didn't even think it would survive the night. Littlesnap smiled at her kit, not caring about her appearance one bit. "I-i want to name her-..." Before the old queen could finish her eyes went dull and her last breath was drawn, the strain of the birth was too much for her. The little hairless kit was taken to one of the leading warriors of The Clan, he examined her with cold eyes "The little hairless rat is our clan's future, i suppose. Just take care of it and if it doesn't survive then it doesn't survive." the queen holding the little kit pipped up "Sir, she doesn't have a.. name."She hesitated when his cold eyes met hers. The old warrior thought for a moment before his mind went to the prophecy "Name her Faminekit. We will see if she amounts to anything." With that Famine kit was named.


The following season was a cold one for the small kit, both physically and mentally. Many cats ignored her, even the queens that nursed doubted she would live and push her from nursing. Due to this and being relatively unhealthy made it difficult for her to hold on during her nursing moons, but she was clearly unwilling to die. Due to not having fur, she often felt cold to the bone with no protection from the elements. Once weened off of milk, Faminekit grew strong, yet still was very small and thin for her age. That is when the nightmares started. At night the hairless kit would find her dreams darken and feel herself dragged into a place where it was night, but no stars shined. There was a creature- a cat of some sort- would stalk her through this place, one night it finally spoke. "Are you lost, little one?" The voice was shaking and came out as a strained hiss. "I will help you if you just accept me.
The little kitten didn't know what to say to the tall feline figure, but she knew she didn't like him. "Who are you?" Her small voice quivered as she peeped out her words "I am you, Faminekit. I have been with you since birth, little one." He rasped again, now coming into veiw. He was a very tall bone thin tom patchy fur, his nearly pupiless eyes glowing a bright yellow gold. "You are a means to new life, my new existence. You my pet are destined for great things." The words he spoke made the kit shiver with fear and she tried to force herself awake. The thin tom chuckled and allowed the young cat to leave.


A few moon later Faminekit was named Faminepaw and was given a less-then-thrilled mentor; Rabbitprance, a dusky brown female with tabby markings. While of course Faminepaw tried her hardest to meet the tasks that were given to her, it seemed that no matter what she would always fall short, Doing less then perfect. Rabbitprance being a cat of intimidating stature and having an air of disaproval constantly, would train faminepaw with a iron claw, how she got stuck with the hairless rat was beyond her. She deserved a better apprentice then this runt! Faminepaw's training wasn't outwardly abusive, but the things her mentor would say, and the constant criticism was enough to render the small she-cat nervous and loose her self-esteem.
It was about the middle of her training when she met Ratpaw, a kind tom and Faminepaw's best friend. He is the only reason the hairless she-cat had and confidence after her mentor. The solid brown tom would stand up for her and was very protective, even against Rabbitprance whom he despised more then anyone. "I hate her, she had needles in her fur or something." Ratpaw hissed as he walked along with Faminepaw, who was still too timid to speak badly about her mentor. "I guess she can be a little s-strict sometimes..." She stuttered before Ratpaw chimed in " Strict? Famine she has made you loose your self worth, that is cruel!" He huffed and they went along their hunt. When they got back with their kill Rabbitprance came to inspect the catch. "Faminepaw, it seems you can't seem to catch anything more then an old vole, that might as well be crow-food!" The warrior snapped, watching the little she cat shrink under her shadow. "Honestly how I got such an incompetent apprentice is beyond me, how are you supposed to be a REAL warrior if you can't catch anything! Perhaps you are friends with the rats seeing as you look like one? Well if you don't shape up you might as well go live with them-" The dusky brown tabby was stopped by the dark amber eye glaring up at her, the eyes of Ratpaw who had just gotten back from giving his prey to the older cats. "How dare you speak to her like that! She is a great hunter it is you who is a bad mentor! You can't be bothered to train her properly you peice of crow-food!" He growled "Faminepaw is a better cat then you could ever DREAM to be!" With his last words Rabbitprance snapped and lunged at the apprentice, slashing at his face "You stupid brat!" Famines didn't know what to do, her eyes were wide with shock. After a moment she pounced onto the warrior bit down onto her ear,making sure she was out of striking distance. At this point a crowd was growing and the lead warrior at the time came forward broke the fight and demanded to know what happened, Faminepaw explain everything, how Rabbitprance had been much too cruel and after Ratpaw stood up for her the warrior attacked him. After that day Rabbitprance wasn't allowed to have any more apprentices, Ratpaw recovered but was severely scarred and Faminepaw now stood up for herself.
Once the clan was on the move again there was a badger attack, easy to take care of with so many cats, right? Except the badger was protecting her young which made her more dangerous. Famines was the first to spot it charging the group and she worked with everyone to fight the beast. An idea struck Faminepaw and she took a few warriors to get the badger pups, the mother let out an enraged hiss before she crashed after them. Once the badgers were far enough away from the group the warriors and Faminepaw made it away safely and got the clan as far away as possible. For her bravery and quick thinking she was given her warrior name, Faminefur for her (ironically) lack of fur. Those she liked her name, should couldn't help but feel as if the name she was given was given by judging her outward looks rather then her skills or conduct.


During her warrior hood she spent the next 20 moons protecting the clan after they left the barn, she was part of the cats that stayed to the sides of the group, making sure nothing got in and no one strayed out. Threats were constant and they always had to avoid the ghost blood which only made things more difficult for the protectors. After moons of traveling they finally found an abandon Twoleg city and scouted it. There was plenty of prey and lots of space, it was perfect! It was time for the clan to split once more... but who would lead? Windclan was in a frenzy, everyone kept attempting to take the position themselves and it was a flurry of growls and yowling. Faminefur had enough.
The hairless cat hoped up onto the nearest Twoleg monster so her voice could be heard "Stop! Bickering will not solve anything, you should be ashamed of yourselves!" Faminefur growled in a clear tone. "We are Windclan! Do you think our noble ancestors will look down with pride at our barbaric conduct? Stop acting like a bunch of kits! Now I will be leader, if anyone has a problem with that you can talk to me personally." After her last words no one dare object. "Good. Now we need our territory marked and borders checked, this half of the clan start working on borders and the rest will stay here with me and work on our camp. We most show the other clans that we are strong!"


Faminestar has only been leader for 11 moons and is still working on getting used to the position. It makes things more difficult due to still not having a deputy. Even so the she cat copes, often patrolling each night and never taking a patrol any later then dawn. She makes it clear that she does not think herself higher then her clan mates. Though recently she has been having dark dreams...


:bulletblack: - Neutral (Negative) | :bulletblack::bulletblack: - Dislike | :bulletblack::bulletblack::bulletblack: - Hate |
:bulletyellow: - Trusts | :bulletyellow::bulletyellow: - Relies On| :bulletyellow::bulletyellow::bulletyellow: - Seeks Guidance From |
:bulletblue: - Likes | :bulletblue::bulletblue: - Friend | :bulletblue::bulletblue::bulletblue: - Best Friend |
:bulletgreen: - Annoyed By | :bulletgreen::bulletgreen: - Jealous of |
:bulletpink: - Physical Attraction | :bulletpink::bulletpink: - Crush | :bulletpink::bulletpink::bulletpink: - Major Crush |
:bulletpurple: - Family | :bulletred: - Love | :bulletred::bulletred: - Has Mated With | :rose: - Current Mate l
:bulletwhite: - Neutral (Positive) | :bulletwhite::bulletwhite: - Discomfort | :bulletwhite::bulletwhite::bulletwhite: - Guilt |
:bulletorange: - Respect | :bulletorange::bulletorange: - Admires | :bulletorange::bulletorange::bulletorange: - Idolizes |
:star: | Mentor/Apprentice | :skull: - Deceased l

Plaguestar|Female| TheBethanyGames | :bulletorange: :bulletyellow: :bulletwhite: | "The fluff butt and i have a lot in common and she had made it clear that neither she nor her clan mean any harm to Windclan, for that i am greatful."
Warstar|Male|Unknown| | "..."

Deadstar|Male| Nermsters | :bulletblack::bulletblack: :bulletgreen: :bulletwhite::bulletwhite: | "Deadstar is young, young and foolish. He is violent, reckless and lacks self-control, all the things a leader SHOULDN'T be. The brat think now that he leads a clan that he can toy with their lives? He will get no respect from me."

Role-Play example
From :icontheir-dark-eden:
The Tan pit bull sat on the sand and rocks, starring a the great gates of Eden, her once trusted gas mask lay shattered on the radiated ground. Irah would never see her home again, never walk the dark streets that she once strove to protect and maintain. She stayed there, in front of her former home for a while until she realized that it was was dusk and she needed to find some sort of shelter for the night. So she got to her large paws, picked a direction, and started walking.
Irah Kept walking until she came across a town, Ravaged from the bombs of the past and decayed by the radiation left behind. It didn't look like much was left... a few crumbling buildings and almost non-existent roads, i didn't look like anyone could live there. But she could think like that anymore, Irah had to start thinking like a waste-lander if she had any hope to survive in this living hell. The female proceeded to search the buildings for anything that could be helpful "Alright, little girl, keep it together and think. Rules of survival: Shelter, Water, food. There is plenty of places to sleep, there must be plumbing which means some sort of water source, and where there is water there are animals." Irah huffed as she went through her checklist, it was clear that she was not used to the spore-filled air and it was making it hard to breath for her. "Give it time..." She thought to her self and walked on.
A solitary rat scurried through the rubble, but in a heart beat it was gone just as Irah spotted it. "well i suppose i am going to have to learn to catch you too, huh? i should have come out here sooner, i've been spoiled." She growled and watch the last bit of the rats mutated tail disappear. The large female found a small building with one wall that had crumbled long ago, and found a place that was covered and clear of rubble. As Irahl lay her aching bones done on the hard, cold earth she thought of what her new life might hold for her. But nothing good could happen in the wastelands, nothing but death and sickness would ever come from it, and Irah had just been thrown into it.
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© 2015 - 2024 CariChimera
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Nella-Lynn's avatar
Hello! This is the new Founder of AW, 
unfortunately I'm not sure if my Co-Founders have already asked you this, so I apologize if I am just repeating them but: 

1) Are you still keeping your character(s?) in the group? 

If yes, please reply with just a simple say so and I will not remove your application from the group,
If no, please reply with just a simple no and I will then proceed to remove your application from the group. 

2) Are you still staying in the group / participating when it is finally up and running? 

If yes, please reply with just a simple yes and I will not remove you from the group.
If no, please reply with just a simple no (and if you'd like to give a reason / feedback on the group it would be greatly appreciated) and you can have the option of staying and just observing the group, or leaving completely. 

Thank you for your cooperation, its greatly appreciated! 

Please note: If this message is not responded to within a month, your character will be removed from the group and be killed off.